Friday, October 11, 2013

Downtown Reconstruction in G-Scale Train Garden Railway - 10-11-13

Blog Entry by Bob

The downtown to our train layout is less than a year old.  We couldn't believe until we looked at the old pictures.
[Night Shots anyone? G-Scale Train Blog 11-24-12]
We were lucky enough to be given some Commercial Buildings from Winona Garden Trains when they were renovating this summer.  This started me thinking about ripping everything out and starting over again. Here are some before shots.

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Bye-bye buildings, sidewalks, roadway and all the wiring to run the lights. Here is the downtown with everything removed.

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The first problem that I had was that my main street sloped up with the small shops rising up with the grade.  The new buildings (new to me) were 3 times larger and needed a flat surface. I realized I had the cut up to 3 inches the flatten everything out.

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I took a couple days off from work and put in some time everyday to slowly transform the downtown into my vision.  I moved the Tractor Repair Shop and replaced it with the Municipal Building and the Harley Davidson Shop. 

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The four small shops got moved beside the creek stepped downhill towards the water.  I added the Green Hotel beside the train station and the large Hobby Shop and empty buildings across the street.

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After spending the final day off wiring I managed to get the town turned back on for nightfall. Check out the neat lighting!

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