We haven't had many days with snow falling and today was the same, until around 4:00pm it started to come down. Bob and I were inside doing crafty things (me painting and Bob working on a Malt House) and he kept looking out the window and said he wanted to go outside and take some piccies.
So, now we are into the cooler months of the season and there are no pool volley ball games to get in the way, Bob has decided to start on a winter project. He had always wanted a big brewery. He had priced out purchasing the plastic kit and since we are sort of low on cash right now, he decided to do the next best thing, invest in wood and other little things and use his time and build one from scratch.
After looking up some HO scale buildings he liked, he converted measurements to G-Scale and started cutting out pieces of wood to resemble what he saw in the pic. He created little windows and doors too.
He wanted to give the building a brick-like look so he carefully carved out the walls to give them dimension and then painted them up to look like brick.
I'm so impressed!!!! Way to go Bob!!!!
Here is Bob working on Building #2 - when he has completed this one, I will post pics. (Trinity our kitty is by his side) LOL
Sorry for the lack of blog entries. To be honest, at the end of August we took in 3 orphaned kittens that I found at work (I actually had found 7, but was able to find a foster mom for them and we ended up taking 3 to add to our kitty family of 3 adult kitties, so now we have 6). We have been busy playing with them and sort of put the Train Set on Hold - EEEEEEEK.
All is well though. Happy New Year to you all - hope you had a wonderful Christmas as well.
So with all the festivities over, now we can start to concentrate on doing some G-Scale jobs.
Bob has been busy building a brewery, but we will leave that for another blog entry. Heh heh heh, teaser for you all.
In one of the pics you'll see a little "fountain" that sort of reminded us of a Greenhouse, so we placed it with the Haunted House. It looks awesome! Love things you can find at Value Village. (GRIN)
We haven't had a very snowy past few months and the day we actually had a little bit (and I mean little bit) Bob was up early to take some photos. Enjoy.