For a while now, Bob has been collecting model railroad magazines (from 1950's to present day). In one paticular issue, they had blueprints for an old stone brewery that he has always admired. He noticed with our G-Scale Layout, that we have no businesses or industries. He wanted to get the brewery model kits from the PIKO catalogue, but after pricing all the kits he realized it would be an over $1000.00 investment. He enjoys working with wood and after making the bridge last winter, he was looking for a project to do this winter. Starting in November 2011, he started cutting wood, nailing it together, and painting.
After building the smoke-stack / Chimney (it is 4 feet tall) last weekend, he realized we needed to find a name for the brewery. We posted a message on Facebook asking friends and family for some ideas for names. The ones posted were amazing, but it was finally decided that we would name the Brewery to "honour" of a fellow G-Scaler who passed away recently. I think we might have met him once before when visiting Winona Garden Railway as he was friends with the owner.
Bob was eager to take some photo's of the Brewery's Work In Progress. You will notice that one of the buildings is not complete (as he has to engrave the bricks, paint them, create windows & doors, make a roof) and the conveyor belt needs to be painted. Today was very muddy so he had to place the Brewery in a different location in the yard to take photos. I can't wait to see the whole thing completed and placed in the layout.
*** NOTE, he has done EVERYTHING by hand, from building the buildings, creating the windows & doors (the roof is made from asphault shingles and the tin roof is made from pop cans) He has engraved the bricks by hand (ruler & exacto-knife & an awl) and then proceeded to paint them.
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very impressed, we hope you enjoy the photos of his Work in Progress. Please feel free to leave comments as he has put in a lot of effort into making this Brewery and isn't sure if it is paying off. ~Mary~
UPDATE: Sad news from Burlington, Ontario (45 minute drive away from here) RIP to the victims of the horrible Via Train Derailment that happened approximately @ 3:30pm 02-26-2012 which means it past our backyard approx. 30 minutes before --- scary)