With the East Coast Large Scale Train Show happening this past weekend, I have been getting jealous seeing all the deals that people on Facebook have been getting. The show in York Pennsylvania is over an 8 hour drive from where we live and with the weather slowing getting warmer I wanted to find some train deals as well.
Noticing our favourite store Winona Garden Trains had a new posting of used merchandise, we planned a visit and chat with the owner John.
Hoping to grab some buildings and track from the list, I found out I was too late. Looking at the used rolling stock on display I thought I was not going to find anything. John helped us dig through the boxes of stock hidden on the shelves until we found what we were looking for.
A red Canada Hopper made by LGB. There used to be a faded one sitting in the yard at Winona Garden Trains Layout but I was too slow to purchase it when he was selling his old cars. This one is brand new in the box! Not counting our German Train, we have never had a LGB railcar for our layout.
A white & Black ACFX tanker car from LGB. Are you kidding me! Look at how crisp the details are on this car! I know we were not planning on getting more tanker cars but I instantly fell in love with this one.
A 50 ft CN box car. We always need more boxcars and we do not have this one. Nothing says 'CN train' like a CN boxcar.
This is not a new car but a new load that I made for our gondola car. Previously we had a load of pipes in this car. Seeing the loads of scrap aluminium pass by on our local train tracks I wanted to try to replicate it. This is my first attempt, and for now, I am quite happy with it. It is crumped aluminium foil that I painted with a dark grey wash so it isn't too shiny. Knowing that the used cars we purchased had never been run on track, I wanted to change that. Taking it off the default 'hook & loop' couplers I got out my Dremal tool and drill then attached some spare Kadee couplers.
It was 46 degrees Fahrenheit / 8 degrees Celsius today. Finally the first nice weekend to run trains. Though I only ran it around a couple of times until the battery wore out in the locomotive, it gave me hope that summer was coming at train season had begun.