With all that rain and the location of our house, our sump pump has been working overtime and has been dumping into the back yard, which lands directly into our train layout.
The plan is in the future to install a pond liner and make a pond with a run-off. Bob has been digging an area for the water to sit and then drain into the ground.
With all the rain we have received, it hasn't had time to go back into the ground so we had a pond form just with all the water.
Bob decided it would be a great excuse to take some photos of a boat we found at Value Village.
At first, he had a 2.5 pound anchor to hold the boat down but decided he only needed a 1 pound anchor to hold the boat in place. It worked fine!
He then decided to add some minature "Christmas Lights" we found at Canadian Tire at Christmas.
The very next day (April 28, 2011) we had a horendous wind storm. It started around 8am and we had wind gusts up to 124 km per hour. It caused trees to uproot and snap off - which of course caused major power outages all over the place. With the power outage, we had a battery-back up for the sump-pump. Unfortunately due to all the rain, it was running non-stop and drained the battery, so all the water you see in the pond ended up coming back into the house and flooded our basement. By the time Bob left work at 12pm to come and check on the house, the pond was completely empty and the boat was on the bottom of the pond. With all the damage in our neighbourhood (trees down close by, water in the basement, shingles lifted up on the garage) the last thing he thought of was taking a photo. I forgive him. (GIGGLE)
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